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Hickam Federal Credit Union is proud to announce that it has now rebranded as Lōkahi Federal Credit Union. This exciting new chapter in the credit union's 88-year history reflects our growth and our ongoing commitment to you, our valued members, and the communities we serve. 


Lokahi federal credit union

Why Has Hickam FCU Changed Its Name?

The decision to rebrand stems from a common misconception that, based on our prior namesake, the former Hickam Air Force Base, one must be affiliated with the military to join. Since our island-wide membership expansion in 2011, we often encountered prospective members who never considered joining based on this perception. With our dedication to staying relevant in today's dynamic financial landscape and continuing on the path of growth, the need to rebrand became clear. This rebrand ensures that the credit union's identity aligns with its future vision while maintaining its deep connection to its roots.

Why Lōkahi Federal Credit Union?

The word Lōkahi means unity, harmony, and accord. It lends itself to the underlying power of uniting together to serve our member's needs. In togetherness, there is strength; in common purpose, there is commitment. Lōkahi is also a nod to both our original founding members who came together to create our credit union and our island heritage, as in both cases, the virtues of working together as one are manifested.

Furthermore, in a study of traditional Hawaiian health practices, research states that Lōkahi is the central concept of Ancient Hawaiian holistic health beliefs. Specifically, the "Lōkahi Triangle" of physical, mental, and spiritual/environmental elements must be in balance or in harmony for one to be in good health. Lōkahi Federal Credit Union seeks to help bring harmony to our members' lives by using our role as a trusted financial partner to bring balance to their finances and, therefore, provide them the peace of mind needed to help promote their well-being.

With a Hawaiian name chosen for our credit union, it was important that we met with a Community Elder, a Linguist/Hawaiian Language Teacher, and a Cultural Expert from the Hawaiian community. All those consulted provided opinions and interpretations of the new name, ensuring its use to be authentic and respectful. After learning about our credit union's history and core values, all experts felt the name Lōkahi Federal Credit Union perfectly defined our purpose and who we are.

How We Selected Our New Name

We started our rebranding journey with the research phase, where we took a deep dive into the history and culture of our credit union. Multiple focus groups consisting of members, non-members, staff, and our Board of Directors gathered to discuss the importance of a name change and reactions to potential names. Understanding how all stakeholders perceive the credit union was critical to developing a relatable name and brand that was authentic to who we are.

Born from the research was the development of an overarching statement that describes who we are and what we stand for:

Our loyalty is to you. Our commitment is to be there for you. No matter where you are in life – no matter the goals you've set – we won't leave you behind. You are a member, and that means we're invested in your future.

The two primary strengths of this statement are the idea of our credit union being there throughout the various life stages of our members and the concepts of commitment and loyalty. It is an integral part of how our new name was chosen.

Based on the outcome of the extensive research, Lōkahi Federal Credit Union was identified as the name that authentically represents our credit union.

Our New Logo

Looking at the logo, true to the promise of the Lōkahi name, this design visually reinforces the idea of unity and working together for a common purpose. The iconic artwork represents four people joined together as one, raising their arms to symbolize infinite possibility. Further, these four people represent our stakeholders, "Our members," "our community," "our volunteers," and "our staff."

the overall design is evocative of traditional hawaiian quilts. the central design symbolizes four people together as one.

The design is balanced and symmetrical, contributing to the sense of unity. It is reminiscent of a Hawaiian quilt in its shape, a reference to Lōkahi Federal Credit Union's local roots and commitment to our members and community.

The logotype or font used is distinct and evokes a feeling of the islands while retaining a clean and legible appearance. Every element of the logo works together, reflecting the essence of Lōkahi. The "K" in the logotype is evocative of a wa'a or canoe sail, while the "A" is reminiscent of a Hawaiian hale or house. The kahakō or line over the "O" emphasizes the pronunciation of the name, "Lōkahi". Not only does it change the sound of the word, it often changes its meaning.

lokahi federal credit union

New Name, Same Credit Union

While our name is changing, our mission remains the same: to provide personalized care and unwavering support for your financial goals. As a member-owned, not-for-profit financial cooperative, we will continue to be guided by the same dedicated team you know and trust. Our commitment to the communities we serve remains steadfast, and we will proudly uphold the efforts and initiatives that define our legacy.

Frequently Asked Questions

General Information

  • Why did Hickam Federal Credit Union change its name?
    Hickam Federal Credit Union became Lōkahi Federal Credit Union to better reflect who we our, our values, who we serve, and our commitment to our members. The name change also allows us to be more competitive by addressing the misconception that membership is limited to individuals affiliated with the military.
  • Was Hickam Federal Credit Union acquired by another credit union or bank?
    No, Hickam Federal Credit Union was not acquired. We remain a member-owned, not-for-profit financial cooperative as Lōkahi Federal Credit Union.
  • What happens to my membership?
    Your membership with Hickam Federal Credit Union has automatically transfered to Lōkahi Federal Credit Union.
  • Will you still support local military communities?
    Absolutely. Supporting our military members and their families remains a priority for Lōkahi Federal Credit Union.
  • Is my money still safe?
    Yes, your money is safe. All accounts remain federally insured by the NCUA up to $250,000 per depositor, per ownership category.
  • Has the name change affected membership eligibility requirements?
    No, as Lōkahi Federal Credit Union we remain open to anyone who lives, works, worships, or attends school on the island of O'ahu.
  • Why do I still see Hickam FCU on [fill-in-the-blank]?
    Changing the name of an organization is a lengthy process that involves many vendors, regulatory bodies, and government agencies. Due to the complexity of the work necessary to properly carry out a name change, you may continue to see Hickam FCU on some of our branches, webpages, documents, checks, etc. for some time to come. Of course, if you ever have questions on whether something you receive from Hickam FCU or Lōkahi FCU is legitimate or not, please contact us at 808.423.1391 to confirm.

Accounts and Services

  • Has my account number change?
    No, your member numbers, account numbers, and our routing number have remained the same. Your accounts will continue to operate without any interruptions.
  • Do I need to update my recurring Automated Clearing House (ACH) transactions?
    Since our routing number and your account numbers are not changing, you will not need to update your existing electronic/ACH transactions. However, transactions to and from other financial institutions will appear as Lōkahi Federal Credit Union rather than Hickam Federal Credit Union.  We recommend ensuring that the name on the transaction matches the name listed on your account with us to avoid rejections due to mismatches. If you have any questions about your ACH transactions or need assistance, please call us at 808.423.1391.
  • Will I continue to accrue interest on my deposits?
    Yes, all deposits will continue to earn interest at our current rates. To view our latest rates, please visit our rate page.
  • Will the name change affect the services or products offered?
    No, all our services and products will remain the same. You can continue to enjoy the same great benefits, tools, features, and personalized care as before. Additionally, we are working on introducing new products and services to provide greater value to our members.
  • Will there be any changes to fees?
    No, the name change will not affect our fee structure. All current fees will remain the same unless otherwise announced.

Cards and Checks

  • Can I continue to use my Hickam Federal Credit Union ATM card, debit card, credit card, and checks?  Yes, all Hickam Federal Credit Union-branded ATM cards, debit cards, credit cards, and checks will remain valid after the transition. For debit and credit cards, you will receive a Lōkahi Federal Credit Union-branded card when your current card expires.
  • I want a Lōkahi Federal Credit Union debit card, credit card, or checks. Can I request them?  If you would like to replace your debit card or credit card before its expiration date, you may request a replacement. Please note that standard card replacement fees may apply. For checks, you may order checks the same way you always have, with standard check order fees applying.

Branches and Hours

  • Will the locations and hours of operation change?  No, all our branch locations and operating hours will remain the same after the name change. For updated information on branch locations and hours, please visit our ATM/Branch Location page.

Online and Mobile Services

  • Now that the website is, what happens if I visit the old website?  While our new website URL is now, if you navigate to, you will be automatically redirected to our new site.
  • How will this change impact online and mobile banking? 
    Apart from some visual updates, there have been no changes to online and mobile banking. Your login information also remains the same - you can continue to use your existing login credentials to access your accounts.


  • Do I still need to pay my Hickam Federal Credit Union loans?  Yes, all loan agreements remain in effect. Payments must continue to be made as outlined in your agreement. If you have questions about your loan, please contact us at 808.423.1391.
  • Will my mortgage or home equity loan be affected?  No, the terms of your mortgage or home equity loan will not change. All agreements will remain in effect as originally signed.

Other Questions

  • What if I have additional questions or concerns? We are here to help! If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact us at 808.423.1391 or visit any of our branch locations.