Please review and accept the disclosure to proceed with the loan application.
All Loans subject to credit approval. Lōkahi FCU membership will be required.
It is a federal crime to defraud a financial institution, or to knowingly submit or represent false information to obtain credit from a financial institution (18USC 1344.) Loans are available to United States Residents currently residing in the United States. You must read the following terms and conditions before continuing.
Regardless of your marital status, you may apply for credit in your name alone.
The Ohio laws against discrimination require that all creditors make credit equally available to all creditworthy customers, and that credit reporting agencies maintain separate credit histories on each individual upon request. The Ohio Civil Rights Commission administers compliance with this law.
Wisconsin law provides that no provision of any marital property agreement, unilateral statement or court decree applying to marital property will adversely affect a creditor's interests unless the creditor, prior to the time that credit is granted, is furnished with a copy of the agreement statement, or decree, or has actual knowledge of the adverse provision when the obligation to the creditor is incurred.
The Credit Union may at any time in the future obtain consumer credit reports to review the account. Upon request the Credit Union must supply the name and address of the consumer reporting agency which gave the consumer report. Application
By completing and submitting an application, I certify that I am of legal contracting age and that I have read, understood and agree to all of the terms stated here. I represent that the information I provide will be true, accurate, and complete. I understand and authorize you:
If I submit my application electronically, I understand that you do not guarantee the security of the data and will not be held responsible or liable for interception by third parties. I agree to be bound by the terms of the account agreement you will provide. This form is accurate, but is subject to change. To learn of any changes, please call Lōkahi Federal Credit Union at 808.423.1391 or 800.432.4328.